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Launched on 1st June 2022 during national Volunteers’ Week,, the digital home of volunteering in Gloucestershire, is a BRAND-NEW website for local people aged 16 plus who are looking to offer their time as a volunteer.

Using is the simplest way to find the widest range of local volunteering opportunities in the county all in one place, no matter what your interest is – anything from fundraising, to dog walking for an elderly person, to becoming a special constable.

If you are interested in being a volunteer in Gloucestershire you can use the website to match your skills, interests, location, and availability to the perfect volunteering role.

New to volunteering? There are so many benefits for you, as well as the people and causes you are helping. You can gain new skills, make friends, or get to know your community.

Visit and start volunteering your way.

Launched on 1st June 2022 during national Volunteers’ Week,, the digital home of volunteering in Gloucestershire, is a BRAND-NEW website for local people aged 16 plus who are looking to offer their time as a volunteer.

Using is the simplest way to find the widest range of local volunteering opportunities in the county all in one place, no matter what your interest is – anything from fundraising, to dog walking for an elderly person, to becoming a special constable.

If you are interested in being a volunteer in Gloucestershire you can use the website to match your skills, interests, location, and availability to the perfect volunteering role.

New to volunteering? There are so many benefits for you, as well as the people and causes you are helping. You can gain new skills, make friends, or get to know your community.

Visit and start volunteering your way.

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2023, 01:05 PM