Fit for the Future
This Consultation closed on 17 December 2020. Further updates on this work will become available over the coming weeks.
Fit for the Future is part of the One Gloucestershire vision, focussing on the medium and long term future of specialist hospital services at Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Watch our short video introducing Fit for the Future.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part in the extensive programme of consultation – on-line, in person, by post and by phone. We are pleased to publish the Final Output of Consultation Report.
Latest Developments
NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body has approved a number of resolutions relating to the medium and long term future of some specialist hospital services across the Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal hospital sites.
At their meeting on Thursday 18 March 2021, members gave conscientious consideration to all of the information they were presented with, including the Fit for the Future Decision Making Business Case (DMBC). Read more here
This Consultation closed on 17 December 2020. Further updates on this work will become available over the coming weeks.
Fit for the Future is part of the One Gloucestershire vision, focussing on the medium and long term future of specialist hospital services at Cheltenham General Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Watch our short video introducing Fit for the Future.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part in the extensive programme of consultation – on-line, in person, by post and by phone. We are pleased to publish the Final Output of Consultation Report.
Latest Developments
NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body has approved a number of resolutions relating to the medium and long term future of some specialist hospital services across the Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal hospital sites.
At their meeting on Thursday 18 March 2021, members gave conscientious consideration to all of the information they were presented with, including the Fit for the Future Decision Making Business Case (DMBC). Read more here
NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group approve Fit for the Future service change resolutions
Share NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group approve Fit for the Future service change resolutions on Facebook Share NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group approve Fit for the Future service change resolutions on Twitter Share NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group approve Fit for the Future service change resolutions on Linkedin Email NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group approve Fit for the Future service change resolutions linkNHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body has approved a number of resolutions relating to the medium and long term future of some specialist hospital services across the Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal hospital sites.
At their meeting on Thursday 18 March, members gave conscientious consideration to all of the information they were presented with, including the Fit for the Future Decision Making Business Case (DMBC).
The resolutions:
• Acute Medicine (specifically Acute Medical Take):
Centralise the Acute Medical Take at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
• Emergency General Surgery:
Centralise Emergency General Surgery at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
• Gastroenterology inpatient services:
Formalise (make permanent) the ‘pilot’ configuration (arrangements) for Gastroenterology inpatient services at Cheltenham General Hospital
• Image Guided Interventional Surgery (IGIS):
Create an Image Guided Interventional Surgery ‘Hub’ at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and a ‘Spoke’ at Cheltenham General Hospital
• Centralise Vascular Surgery at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
• Trauma and Orthopaedic (T&O) inpatient services:
Formalise (make permanent) the ‘pilot’ configuration (arrangements) for Trauma at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and Orthopaedics at Cheltenham General Hospital
• Planned General Surgery:
Governing Body members also approved a resolution that recommends that further work is done to define a new option to deliver Planned General Surgery across the Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital sites. Local people and staff will be given the opportunity to be involved in this work.
The Governing Body meeting and consideration of the DMBC followed the consultation review period, where Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the CCG looked in detail at the output of public and staff consultation, the Citizens’ Jury reports and public, staff and stakeholder comments following publication of additional information.
The staff and public consultation was quality assured and has been assessed as ‘good practice’ by The Consultation Institute.
Clinical Chair of NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Andy Seymour said:
“We know the development of specialist hospital services in the county are of significant importance to patient care and governing body members carefully considered all of the information they were presented with before reaching decisions.
We would like to thank everyone who has participated in the Fit for the Future programme over the course of the last few years, in particular community partners, members of the public and staff who have played such an active role in feeding in their perspectives and views through both the engagement and consultation process and have helped shape local services for the future.”
The implementation of the recommendations will be completed in stages over the next two to three years.
Decision Making Business Case (DMBC) published
Share Decision Making Business Case (DMBC) published on Facebook Share Decision Making Business Case (DMBC) published on Twitter Share Decision Making Business Case (DMBC) published on Linkedin Email Decision Making Business Case (DMBC) published linkThe DMBC sets out proposed resolutions for the medium and long term future of a number of specialist hospital services following the Fit for the Future consultation:
- Acute Medicine (specifically acute medical take)
- Emergency General Surgery
- Gastroenterology inpatient services
- Image Guided Interventional Surgery (IGIS) including Vascular Surgery
- Trauma and Orthopaedic (T&O) inpatient services.
The DMBC can be found on the right of this page.
The publication of the DMBC follows the consultation review period, where Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group looked in detail at the output of consultation report, the Citizens’ Jury reports and public, staff and stakeholder comments following publication of additional information all of which can be found here
Additional information for public comment
Share Additional information for public comment on Facebook Share Additional information for public comment on Twitter Share Additional information for public comment on Linkedin Email Additional information for public comment linkThere is now an opportunity for the public, staff and stakeholders to comment on additional information prior to decision making in March 2021. Deadline for feedback is 25 February 2021. See here.
Citizens' Jury held
Share Citizens' Jury held on Facebook Share Citizens' Jury held on Twitter Share Citizens' Jury held on Linkedin Email Citizens' Jury held linkA Citizens’ Jury took place via Zoom from 19-22 January and 25-28 January from 1pm-5.30pm each day. The Jury considered the feedback from the consultation and will involved independently recruited jurors, who were representative of our diverse local communities. You can view further information on the Jury here or by following the links on the right.
Sharing your feedback
Share Sharing your feedback on Facebook Share Sharing your feedback on Twitter Share Sharing your feedback on Linkedin Email Sharing your feedback linkThank you to everyone who has taken the time to provide feedback during this consultation. We have read all of your responses and these have been published as part of the Interim Output of Consultation report.
If you register on Get Involved in Gloucestershire, you will receive notification of additional up-coming events and the publication of the reports.
Consultation information (*updated March 2021)
Decision Making Business Case (3.27 MB) (pdf)
Fit for the Future Output of Consultation Report (3.2 MB) (pdf)
Output of Consultation Report: Appendices
Appendix 1.1 - Full Survey Report
Appendix 1.2 - Easy Read Survey Report
Appendix 1.3a - responses by demographics - BAME
Appendix 1.3b - responses by demographics - Over 66 with disability
Appendix 1.3c - responses by demographics - BAME with disability
Appendix 1.3d - responses by demographics - Disability
Appendix 1.3e - responses by demographics - Mental health and learning difficulties
Appendix 1.3f - responses by demographics - Carers
Appendix 1.3g - responses by demographics - LGBT+
Appendix 1.3h - responses by demographics - 12 most deprived wards
Appendix 1.3i - responses by demographics - Healthcare professionals
Appendix 1.3j - responses by demographics - Public and community partners
Appendix 1.3k - responses by demographics - Postcodes from East
Appendix 1.3l - responses by demographics - Postcodes from West
Appendix 2 - Other correspondence
Appendix 2.1 - Additional responses received
Appendix 3 - Glossary
Fit for the Future Interim Output of Consultation Report
Full Consultation booklet (2.49 MB) (pdf)
Summary Consultation booklet (1.6 MB) (pdf)
Easy Read booklet (623 KB) (pdf)
Additional information for public comment (*updated 2 February 2021)
Supporting information
Fit for the Future - Pre Consultation Business Case (9.6 MB) (pdf)
Appendices to the Pre-Consultation Business Case
Appendix 1 - LTP summary
Appendix 2 - Output of Engagement Report
Appendix 3 - Output of Engagement Report question responses
Appendix 4 - Citizens' Jury Report
Appendix 5 - Workshop Evaluation - Scorecards
Appendix 6 - Workshop Evaluation Rationale behind Scores
Appendix 7 - Healthwatch Gloucestershire Annual Report 2019-20
Appendix 8 - TOR Transformation Delivery Group
Appendix 9 - GHFT staff engagement report
Appendix 10 - F4TF Solutions Desirable Criteria
Appendix 11 - FFTF Baseline Integrated Impact Assessment
Appendix 12 - Evaluation criteria evidence pack
Appendix 13 - CoEx long to med list - Jan 2020
Appendix 14a - Annex IIA
Appendix 14b - IIA Gastro and T and O.pdf
Appendix 15 - High level work programme
Appendix 16 - Glos FFTF Desktop review March 2020
Appendix 17 - Senate responses 05.08.20
Appendix 18 - Data Protection Impact Assessment
Appendix 18 - DPIA 079 Fit for the future
Appendix 19 - Gloucestershire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Appendix 20 - Gloucestershire JSNA
Appendix 21 - Travel impact analysis
Appendix 22 - C&C strategy and plan
Appendix 23 - Fit for the Future RAID log
Appendix 24 - FFTF internal governance log
Appendix 25 - carbon footprint
Appendix 26 - EGS SOP for CGH ED attendances
Appendix 27 - EGS SOP for accessing surgical opinion in CGH
Appendix 28 - EGS SOP for ringfenced GI bed base
Appendix 29 - SOP Acute Floor Zone ESU
Appendix 30 - DCC and Theatre modelling assumptions
Appendix 31 - Impact on junior doctors rota and training
Appendix 32a - bed modelling
Appendix 32b - Activity modelling
Appendix 33 - letters 15.10.20
Appendix 34 - FFTF Gloucestershire CRP
Appendix 35 - FFTF Benefits Realisation
Appendix 36 - Long to short list
Glossary of terms and abbreviations
Equality and Engagement Impact Assessment (1010 KB) (pdf)
Important Links
Fit for the Future Timeline
22 October 2020
Fit for the Future has finished this stageConsultation period begins
17 December 2020
Fit for the Future has finished this stageConsultation closes. Feedback received during the consultation is collated into an "Output of Consultation" Report
Citizens' Jury
Fit for the Future has finished this stageHeld during January 2021, the Citizens' Jury will consider the feedback from the consultation and work together to develop recommendations for the NHS Boards
Additional information for public comment
Fit for the Future has finished this stageAn opportunity for the public, staff and stakeholders to comment on additional information prior to decision making in March 2021. Deadline for feedback is 25 February 2021.
Consultation review period
Fit for the Future has finished this stageGloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group will carefully consider all of the feedback received.
Final decision
Fit for the Future has finished this stageNHS Gloucestershire CCG will make a final decision on the proposals at their meeting on 18 March 2021. The meeting will be live-streamed (further information to follow).
Fit for the Future is currently at this stageNHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group's Governing Body approved service change resolutions at their meeting on Thursday 18 March 2021.
Who's Listening
NHS Gloucestershire ICB
Email -
NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group
GB -
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Ways to get involved
November → December 2020
November → December 2020
November → December 2020
November → December 2020
02 February → 25 February 2021